Discrimination Cases at Boeing
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB078
Case Length : 20 Pages
Period : 1998 - 2005
Pub. Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : The Boeing Company
Industry : Aerospace
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Cases of Gender Discrimination at Boeing
Women and Minorities vs. The Boeing Co
In 1994, the women and minorities working at 10 facilities of Boeing filed a
case against the company's alleged discriminatory practices with respect to
compensation. They alleged that the company paid them less than their male
The US Department of Labor and its Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Programs (OFCCP) started to investigate the complaint. The DoL conducted about
10 audits regarding the company's pay practices throughout the US...
Beck, et al vs. The Boeing Co.
On February 25 2000, a group of 28 female employees working at Boeing filed a
case against the company in the US District Court of Washington in Seattle. The
plaintiffs alleged discriminatory practices at Boeing and its subsidiaries
including BNA and MDC. The case was filed as Beck, et al vs The Boeing Co. The
main plaintiffs in the case were Mary Beck, Aprill Linear, Ellen Schaff, and
others who alleged that they had suffered discrimination at Boeing (Refer
Exhibit V for details of Plaintiffs). The plaintiffs represented about 55,000
female hourly and salaried employees working at Boeing facilities located in the
Puget Sound Area (Washington), Wichita (Kansas), Tulsa (Oklahoma), Southern
California, and St. Louis (Missouri)...
Boeing's Reaction
Reacting to the allegations made by its female employees, Boeing said that the
complaints made by the plaintiffs were baseless. It said that the plaintiffs'
complaints regarding the working conditions, discrimination, harassment and
retaliation were all untruthful and misleading. Boeing said that it had strong
anti-discrimination policies and maintained those policies by ensuring equal and
fair treatment of all the employees irrespective of race or gender. The company
stated that it took severe action against those who were found to have violated
the policies by practicing discrimination at the workplace...
The Concealed Facts
Though Boeing tried hard to defend itself stating that it never discriminated
against its employees, investigations undertaken by the company itself proved
otherwise. The investigations revealed that the minorities and the female
employees suffered discrimination...
The Outcome of the Case
On March 13, 2000, the case was amended to include ten more plaintiffs. On May
02, 2001, the plaintiffs filed to certify the case as a class action. The
plaintiffs required the case to be certified into two subclasses:
• The first class included all the salaried female employees belonging to the
non-executive and non-SPEEA engineer categories working at the company's
facilities in Puget Sound Area (Washington), Wichita (Kansas), St. Louis
(Missouri) and Long Beach (California)...
Exhibit I: Equal Employment Opportunity
Exhibit II: Boeing Values
Exhibit III: Boeing's Code of Conduct
Exhibit IV: Race and Gender Based Initiatives
Exhibit V: Details of the Lead Plaintiffs in the Beck Vs Boeing Case